Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bike + Breean = Bad Ass (well kinda...)

No...this isn't me...
                                                                 and neither is this...


...but it should be! 

I've always wondered what it would be like to ride a motorcycle and now I know...

After riding the first couple of times with Brian, I immediately felt like I should be robbing a bank, shooting at mobsters, being chased by cops or scheduling an appointment to get a tramp stamp tattoo. 

(Brian quickly told me there would be no tramp stamps on his bike)

I don't know if it's the speed or the bike attire, but there's something about it that makes me feel like I could have easily been casted as Cameron Diaz in "Knight and Day." Easily...

The only thing I can't figure out is how to take my helmet off and have that "movie star flowing hair." 


You know, the kind that is blowing in the wind and looks exactly like it did before you smooshed it into a helmet, sweated and then let the wind have it's way for a good half hour. Yeah, that kind. 

Something else I have learned is not to point at things that I would normally point out in the car. For example...we were on our way to my dad's and I noticed that this new sushi place was opening up. I got excited..and (naturally) pointed it out to Brian. Little did I know, that he thought I was pointing for him to turn. My bad! Now I just keep my hands down and remember to tell him about the sushi bar opening!!

So now that you know that riding on a bike makes me feel like...well, kind of a bad ass...here I am!

This IS me (on the back)...just clarifying since Christin said you couldn't even tell I was a girl...
....and yes...I am smiling under the helmet (like a total dork)! 

Friday, April 29, 2011

It's not THAT hard...

It goes without saying that my name is brutally mispronounced on a daily basis. I mean, I've been called everything from Fran, Brian, Bren and Bran (yes, like the Flake). Someone actually said (after I corrected them) "Oh, good...I was wondering what kind of parents would name their kid Bran..." Really?? It especially used to surprise me when my teachers/professors could pronounce names like Tahaiesa or Mikhail...but I get it. It's just different...and I'm totally ok with it! I just thought I would take this opportunity to share the meaning(s) behind my names and why they are what they are. Here ya go...no more excuses!!

Breean (Celitc. Meaning: Strong One): The correct pronunciation (that my parents and family use) is Bree-un. Because I wasn't born in the South and my mom is not Southern, there is no accent on my name. It wasn't until we moved to South Carolina that my name turned to Bree-Anne. If you have met my family you will notice that they all call me Bree-un. I will answer to both but not to Breeana or Breen...just an FYI. My name is actually misspelled, too. The "correct" spelling is Brianne but my parents forgot how to spell it when I was born and just made something up. Don't hold it against them...a woman in labor for 24 hours can spell their child's name however they want!! According to some English professors of mine, it's grammatically incorrect, too. The "English language" says that you aren't allowed to have three vowels together. Stupid...who really cares...I was named after the actress Brianne Leary. Apparently she had some rolls in "Chips" and a few other TV shows, but I don't know anything else about her. I have met a few other people with the same name as me (spelled differently of course) but, nonetheless, we are all super cool people. I have also noticed that there are very few people who spell my name correctly. They can pronounce it right, but spelling is a whole other ball game. I've seen Breeann, BreAnne, Brean...not that it matters, the "you spelled that wrong" line comes up under all of them on the computer! Despite the fact that I can never find my name on souvenirs or trinkets such as key chains, coffee mugs or note pads...I really like having a different name. It's turned out to be a great conversation-starter!

Caroline (Latin. Meaning: Beautiful Woman): My middle name. Probably one of the most common names in North AND South Carolina but I love the meaning behind my middle name. My dad is originally from SC while my mom is from "The Great" Pacific Northwest. They had all three of us in California where we were raised for a few years. When I was born, my dad never thought he would live in South Carolina again and gave me the name "Caroline" so that he always had a piece of home close to him. Atleast, that's the story I've been told. I don't care if it's not true...I love it! I wasn't named Caroline because I was born here or because it's the most common "southern belle" name in the South, but because my dad wanted me to have more than just his last name...he wanted me to continue his southern tradition.

Tate (English. Meaning: He Who Brings Happiness): First of all, let me clarify...I am not related to Sharon Tate. I get asked that on the regular. Like I was affected by the Marilyn Manson spree or something...not so much. Anyways, I have to spell out "Tate" probably as much as I have to spell out and correct "Breean." I have had numerous people spell it "Tait"or "Tayte." The worst...? Yes, I have had people pronounce it "Taint." A girl at the tanning bed wrote "Taint" down on the sign in sheet...I looked at her and said "...Really...?? Come on!!" Another interesting rendition to my last name is when I worked at the hotel. The Spanish-speaking housekeepers kept pronouncing it Ta-Te'... somehow I can understand that alot more than "Taint." Geeeezzzz.....!! Come on people!!

So now, I would like to thank all who have tried (and few who have succeeded) at pronouncing and spelling my name(s) correctly. I greatly appreciate it!

Keep it going!! What does your name mean? Funny stories? Come on...SHARE!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

10 Things I am Currently Sick Of...

I don't get annoyed quite as easy as some do, but there are certainly plenty of things that I am sick of. I am not perfect (by any means) so I am not preaching here...simply my opinions.
Here are my top 10 (in no particular order)...

#1. How society has created this idea that "if it makes you feel good do it..." There are no boundaries or standards set anymore...especially for kids. Whether it is respect for elders, "experimenting" with your sexuality, popping pills like it's a Pez dispenser or settling for second best. There's always an excuse for something or a prescription to hand out because someone is a little unhappy with the way things are. It's LIFE! It's not supposed to be fun all the time. No one promised you rainbows.

#2. Obama...no explanation necessary.

#3. Foursquare on Facebook. I don't care where you are ALL the time. But if were a stalker, I would absolutely love to follow your every move. From your parent's house...to McDonald's....to work...to home...Is it all really necessary?

#4. Listening to people continue to use the excuse of the economy as to the reason they have been "feeding" off unemployment for 3, 4, 5 years. Really?!? Get off your lazy butt and get a freaking job at Burger King. I was unemployed for six months and, if you apply yourself, you can find a job.

#5. Beiber hair. I understand it's "trendy" but just cut your hair and stop flipping it to one side. Just because all the girls are screaming hysterically over Justin Beiber...doesn't mean they are going to scream over you because you have the same hair style.

#6. Hearing how horrible bullying is. Now, I don't think bullying is right, but I think that's part of growing up. I was bullied...everyone probably has been. And you learn to "be the bigger person." Yes, there were days in middle and high school I would go home and cry, but you either learn how the be the best at revenge or you just move on. I know there wasn't social media or smart phones when I was growing up, but there was still plenty of mean things to do to people. It helps you grow up, become a stronger person, and get ready for LIFE.

#7. Everyone trying to figure out the "best" way to loose weight. Why don't you just work out and eat better?? Seriously...you don't need this huge crash diet, these pills, those shakes...I understand everyone is different and some things don't work for everyone, but now that shows like"The Biggest Loser" have shown us that being committed to diet and exercise work...why not try it!?!

#8. Whiners. I can't handle the people that whine about everything. I mean, people who complain about it being too cloudy one day and too bright the next....Things are as bad as YOU make them...I bet if you looked at life as "the glass is half full" you will be alot happier.

#9. Cold weather!! I am so ready for Spring and Summer! Bring on the Bar-B-Q's, pool side weekends and sun dresses!

#10. Bad movies. It's been hard to find a good movie recently. They all seem to (a) either have the same story line or (b) are so cheesy I can't stand it! Hopefully, those Hollywood people stop being so predictable and...weird!!


About Me

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I am a 20-something young woman growing up and experiencing the things my mother warned me about...love, friendship, hard work, disappointment and success.