Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm Such a Sucker!
I'm a sucker for "buy one get one..." (aka: BOGO!). During my trip to CVS that was intended to be quick and cheap I found alot of BOGO know, those unnecessary things I was trying to avoid buying at Wal-Mart and Target!! I mean they had buy one get one FREE laundry detergent! How in the world was I ever supposed to pass that kind of deal up?? Especially with the amount of laundry I do!! Publix usually has alot of BOGO deals that aren't so know "buy one get one 1/2 price." Those deals make me buy stuff that I would never typically buy on any other occasion and make my final bill outrageous!!
I'm a sucker for puppies and kittens! I went to the Humane Society yesterday with a friend of mine who was looking for a puppy. The only reason I did not leave with a new addition to my 'family' was because I already have a zoo in my one bedroom apartment! Picking up those poor animals that have been confined to a cold cage with no one loving on them everyday breaks my heart. They know exactly what look to give you through those metal cages to make you take them home! I got Josie, Shelby and Bruiser from the pound and bought Jake from the newspaper...such a sucker!! My friend ended up buying an Alaskan Huskey/Boxer mix puppy with green eyes that had been in the pound for almost a month and a half! She was so used to being in that cage that she cowered when we picked her up and became extremely nervous when we petted her. As soon as we got her outside and introduced her to Bruiser, we knew she would always be thankful for saving her from that terrible place!
I'm a sucker for heels! Most would agree that high heels are uncomfortable and would not wear them on a daily basis...not me! While I worked at Express in college, I would be on my feet for 6-8 hours a day and did not hesitate to wear my cute heels! Although my feet would throb at the end of the day and sometimes would be callused (ugh!), I still found the strength put them back on that night and wear them out to the club! I am not talking about 10-inch heels or anything...just enough height to lengthen my legs and accent my outfit!! The only reason to exclude heels from your wardrobe is if you are wearing flip-flops on a Saturday afternoon or cute little flats with the appropriate outfit (...but of course...). Don't get me wrong, I don't vacuum in heels...but I most certainly would if the occasion called for it!! Not really...well maybe...aahhh!!
I am a sucker for risque television shows. I know that I should not be filling my head with inappropriate things (..see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil..) but I have a new addiction.
Me: Hi, my name is Breean and I'm addicted to inappropriate television series'.
You guys: Hi, Breean...
The first step is acknowledging my addiction, right?? ha!
A few months ago, I (luckily) upgraded my Charter package and added HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, etc. Ever since that day I have been suckered into Californication, Entourage and True Blood. Honestly, I am not going to recommend that you watch these simply because I don't want you to associate me with their lifestyles, but... maybe you could watch one episode if there is nothing else on TV...but just one episode (good luck!).
I am a sucker for Facebook! Despite how many people "diss" on the social network that has taken over the world (ha!)...I still find myself being suckered into the daily habit of "who's dating who now" and "wow, she looks great after having a baby..!" My mind can't even fathom how people survived without this all-knowing website! Granted, I don't use it to meet guys or new friends, but I do keep in touch with high-school and college friends that I probably would not talk to had it not been for Facebook. I also post pictures for others to view that would otherwise find their final home in a picture album in my closet...but, with Facebook...others can enjoy them and add them to their collections, too! I have had friends that 'knocked' Facebook for years until they eventually joined the club! They have found people they forgot about over the years and are now able to follow the usual "Facebook conversation and lingo" when socializing with the rest of society. Don't miss out...everyone else is doing it!!
My high school reunion probably won't be as interesting though...
Nosy #1: "Did you know she has three kids??"
Nosy #2: "Yeah, I read on Facebook that she is pregnant again!! Old news..."
Well, now that you know my weaknesses...please be gentle while judging!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Memories Through Pictures
This is a picture of me and one of my best friends, Sarah. We are at a bar in Charlotte, NC with our soon-to-be-boyfriends and some more mutual friends we hadn't seen in forever. The whole day we shopped for the "perfect" dresses (which we found) and had been looking so forward to getting out of Spartanburg (which was where I lived during school). Nate is taking the picture and had just made some ridiculous comment about us (which I have forgotten now) that had clearly cracked us up. Although the picture is not the most flattering, I love it because there are very few times in life when you can catch someone in a deep laugh...much less yourself! I love to laugh and I love my friends! We had so much fun that night as it was the first time we had all gone to Charlotte together and the first time Nate and I had officially hung out!! Wonderful times!!Sorry for the 'blurry-ness' of this picture but Joey, a co-workder and dear friend of mine, took it and was clearly not qualified to be our photographer!! During college, I worked at Express at the Westgate Mall in Spartanburg. I met some of my life-long friends there and took part in many entertaining "fashion shows" like this one. Each quarter, we were required to have a staff meeting in order to introduce new guidelines, inform the staff of new goals and of course introduce the new clothing lines. We ususally had these meetings on Sunday mornings before the store opened and would put together fashion shows to show off these new clothes (also to take away from the monotonous meeting agendas). In this picture we were 'modeling' our new denim line and some new tops for our fall collection. This picture was taken right after we all walked down the 'runway' and modeled our outfits (compliments of Joey!!). The day before, we all walked around the store and picked out what we wanted to wear and what accessories would work best. Keep in mind that we don't own any of these was like a huge dress-up day! I just remember thinking that there would be no where else in my little 'sheltered, southern' life that I would get to wear something like this and walk down a runway!! Fun times!!
This is a picture I took while I was visiting Bremerton, WA. I have never been so captivated by a place before...I know that doesn't say much considering the lack of travel I have experienced...but this place is breathtaking. I took this particular picture on the Pugent Sound during a typical cloudy day in the northwest. Unlike South Carolina, the water was so still and the air lacked the presence of the dreadful humidity I am so accustomed to. I remember standing on the pier with my mom and aunt Candy (in a sweatshirt and jeans in June!! ha!) and just thinking how refreshing it seemed there. Although everything seems simple in this picture...I think that is what I find so appealing...simplicity.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Not Me! Monday
I did not dodge a police officer on my way to work by turning down a random street in order to prevent him from noticing the expired tags on my brother's car- only to have to turn around in the City Police parking lot!!!
I absolutely did not work until 8:00 tonight!! I have way too much of a social life to stay at work.
I did not instigated a ridiculous arguement with my mom today. Especially one that made me feel guilty or selfish.
I did not go out twice last week! But if I did I probably would have felt terrible and not have been able to accomplish anything...heck, I probably would have even left early!
I did not buy $40.00 worth of cute panties...and only panties! I have too many other 'grown up' things to spend my money on.
I did not watch Napolean Dynamite last night for the 50th time. That movie is certainly not funny or sarcastic enough to enjoy that many times.
I did not offer to help my sister write an essay for her college application to the University of Southern California which is due November 18th...and she certianly did not drop off the assignment and expect me to write the entire thing for her...nuh-uh!!
I absolutely did not stay up until the sun came up Saturday night looking at furniture, jobs and rental houses online. There is not even a webiste that has all of that in one place or enough to keep me busy for that long.
I did not lose 6lbs in one month. That would be so nice if I did...but I did not!
I fortunatley did not notice that the transmission in my car is 'shot.' I would never let it get that bad nor would I ever put my car on the 'back-burner' because I had other things to buy. Transmission work is certainly not expensive.
I did not witness my neighbor's car get broken into last night while it was parked next to mine. Better yet...the cops that showed up did not arrest him after finding him at the playground (at 11:30 at night?) with two backpacks full of knives and paraphernalia. It was probably because they could not find the satellite radio or cash that he did not steal. I'm glad I did not lose sleep over that...
I did not show up 20 minutes late to my manager's meeting this morning. But if had been late...I would have not felt awkward when I had to present my weekly agenda that I did not forget to do over the weekend.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Rearranging a Few Things
Friday, October 17, 2008
Some Sayings for Your Amusement
He's all hat and no cattle.
If that ain't a fact, God's a possum.
It's so dry, the catfish are carrying canteens.
He's so busy, you'd think he was twins.
He'll squeeze a nickel till Jefferson screams.
So dry, the trees are bribing the dogs.
Cold as a cast-iron commode.
She's two sandwiches short of a picnic.
So ugly, she has to sneak up on a glass of water.
Confused as a goat on AstroTurf.
Handy as hip pockets on a hog.
So ugly, his mama takes him everywhere she goes so she doesn't have to kiss him goodbye.
Looks like he sorts bobcats for a living.
So buck-toothed, she could eat corn through a picket fence.
If brains were leather, he couldn't saddle a flea.
That dawg don't hunt.
It's been hotter'n a goat's butt in a pepper patch.
Every now and then, even a blind pig finds an acorn.
Have a cup of coffee, it's already been "saucered and blowed."
She's so stuck up, she'd drown in a rainstorm.
Cute as a sack full of puppies.
My cow died last night so I don't need your bull.
Don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining.
He's as country as cornflakes.
Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit.
This is gooder'n grits.
Busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor.
If things get any better, I may have to hire someone to help me enjoy it.
Uglier than a lard bucket full of armpits.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I Wish Someone Had Told Me... addictive ciggaretts are. I know you hear the horror stories and smokers tell you to 'never start,' but those of you who are non-smokers, have NO IDEA! The one day I would go back to in my life and change would be the day I smoked my first ciggarette, there is no doubt that I would change that day.
... how many times I would have to re-color my hair after the first time. I lost count a few years ago as to how many times I have been to the salon and changed my hair color to suit my mood. Then you have to go back to fill in your roots or get the 'latest trend..' oh my! A vicious circle! save my money instead of spending it on unnessecary things. If I think back to where my money has gone over the years, it seems that I don't have much to show for it. I have cute clothes, gas in my car, a few groceries, my pets, and a slightly decorated apartment. The catch?? I don't have any money saved for my wedding (whenever that will be...), to put down on a house, to buy a new car with or even new furniture. to enjoy seafood. It has taken me this long in my life to start enjoying seafood. There are very few types of seafood that I like but I'm working on it.
...that relationships don't define me as a person. Although I will argue the fact that I always have a boyfriend, I do recognize that there are things missing in my life that have been defined solely from my likes and/or dislikes. Over the years, I have found interest in everyone else's hobbies and interests but not mine... travel. This could go back to the 'not saving' aspect of my life. I found a blog the other day that listed 70 Things to do Before you have Children. The list was amazing--filled with remarkable outdoor endeavors, lofty goals and of course beautiful travel destinations. I've been on cruises and short road trips but to actually travel and expereience cultures I've only read about in school would complete a part of me. value friendship. I haven't even 'celebrated' my 10 year high school reunion yet and I look back to the friends I had when I was a teenager and I wish that I would have appreciated them more in my life. I only keep in contact with two friends from high school (on a daily basis) and wonder what everyone else is doing these days. My heart only hopes that I did not mistreat anyone or push them away out of my selfishness. fast time flies (and not just when you are having fun!). I can't believe I'm already finished with college and in my 20s. haha!! When I was younger, I thought these days would never come and that I couldn't get out of the house fast enough!! These days, I'm learning to treasure the day-by-day and not so much what's to come...patience is a virtue...right??? be best friends with my siblings. My brother, Tim, is 20 now and my sister, Katie, is 17. Although I feel we are growing closer, I dread the day my sister leaves to go to college at Southern California next year. She recieved a soccer scholarship and will be moving across the country to live her life. We have never been very close (as we are six years apart) and have never had the same interests to talk about over coffee. I fear that she will leave--grow into a person that is not familiar to me anymore and never come back home. be less stubborn. A trait that I can honestly say came from my dad's side is that I am adament when it comes to what I believe in. Although there have been few to change my mind...I'm sure it was not an easy task for them to endure!!! I am very opinionated when it comes to morals, ethics, politics, religion, and equality.
Although this list is rather long, I can honestly say that there have been plenty of people who have told me things that I cherish and took to heart. Here are a few (this is for my she doesn't think she was a failure...)
I'm glad someone told me:
- to love and trust the Lord.
- to wash my hands and keep my fingers out of my mouth!
- not to get involved in drugs.
- hold my head high and shoulders back when I walk in a room.
- to trust my "gut"
- not to get married young
- to be presentable
- to always wear cute underwear and matching never know...:)
- the way to a man's heart is through his stomach
- defying temptation builds character
- to ask before making assumptions
- not to keep track records of negative things others have done
- to always be aware of my surroundings
Thank you...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Writer's Workshop: My 10 Biggest Fears
1. Bugs! Anything creepy and crawly!! eeewwwhhh!! I think I developed this fear from my mom (who claims she can 'smell spiders' haha!!). Growing up, if we found a bug in the house when we were home with just my mom, she would not step on it or even sweep it out the door. Instead...she would put a cup on top of it and wait for my dad to come home. Usually by that time, the thing had suffocated and there was nothing to worry about. We moved out to South Carolina from California when I was about six and the "variety of bugs" multiplied significantly!! During the transition of moving across the country, we lived with our grandparents (my dad's parents) for a few months and I remember my grandma coming home one day to find about five cups turned upside down all over her house!! She still thinks its hilarious! Scorpions, spiders, roaches...oh my!!
2. Being Alone....I don't want to be the "old cat lady..." Need I say more???
3. Heights...Period...
4. Bridges: You may think this ties into the "heights category" but I'm not scared of bridges because they are high, I am scared of bridges because they have the potential to collapse! That would be absolutely terrifying!
5. Being kidnapped. I am terrified of someone taking me and not being able to escape. If I am ever NOT..and I NOT stop looking for me!!!!
6. Blood. I wasn't aware that this was an actual fear of mine until about a month ago. I work at a hotel and I received a phone call that a guest had fallen in the shower and split her head open. When I arrived at work the lady (who was no less than 85 years old) was being wheeled out by the paramedics waving and thanking us for a "great stay!" Keep in mind she was covered in blood and had a bandage wrapped around her head like a war victim from a Turner Classic Movie...but thats beside the point. I went up to the room with our houseman, Ricardo, and found the bathroom to be covered in blood. It looked like the lady had exploded. There was blood in the bathtub, on the walls, the toilet, the floor and there was a pile of bloody towels on the floor. I had my gloves on with the full intention of helping but as soon as I saw her body went numb! Poor Ricardo ended up cleaning the whole bathroom and listening to me ask "what's that smell..." and "what do you think that is..??" That was the day I found out I had a fear of blood...
7. Death. I don't fear death because I fear where I will be going...I know I am saved and will be living eternity in Heaven!! A great feeling to have by the way!!! I fear the way I am going to die..I fear loosing my loved ones and feeling that pain. Death is inevitable, there is no way around it...I think that is what I fear most....that it is going to happen.
8. Disappointment. As a 23-year-old college graduate with a full-time job who supports myself and has lived alone since I was 18, I find comfort in approval. Whether it be my parents, my friends, co-workers or bosses...there is nothing more satisfying than hearing a simple "good job" or "I'm proud of you." However, the secret to this is that you can't do things in your life expecting those words of praise. If you do, you will be miserable simply because it is very rare that people will swallow their pride and acknowledge your achievements.
9.Opinions. "I have the hots for a little thing called confidence..." People can be so cruel sometimes. As a girl, I worry about my appearance and want people to notice me...not because I have a zit or because I'm having a bad hair day!! Despite what I might say (like most 'normal' people) I do care what other people think about me. "Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me..." Who made that up?!?
10. Haunted Houses. As the Halloween holidays are quickly approaching, I think about how scared I am of haunted houses. The first (and last) haunted house I visited was about 3 years ago in Columbia, SC with my ex-boyfriend and his family. This particular haunted house was named one of the scariest houses in the South and therefore it took a few days of convincing to get me to go. The whole thing terrified me but it was the individual maize at the end that was the worst! They would send us through a dark, narrow and slimy hallway that you had to find your way out of as "things" were jumping out at you. There were dead ends and 'wrong ways' which I seemed to find alot of...needless to say, I ended up in a fetal position in the corner crying for my friends to come get me. They turned the lights on and stopped the course to take me out...only to be chased by a man with a chainsaw!! Bless my heart, huh?? Never again!!!!!
ok...I'm finished!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I'm Not...
About Me
- Southern Dialogue
- I am a 20-something young woman growing up and experiencing the things my mother warned me, friendship, hard work, disappointment and success.