Monday, October 20, 2008

Not Me! Monday

I found a great place to get some neat ideas to blog about during the week! Great way to blow off steam and beat writer's block!!

I did not dodge a police officer on my way to work by turning down a random street in order to prevent him from noticing the expired tags on my brother's car- only to have to turn around in the City Police parking lot!!!

I absolutely did not work until 8:00 tonight!! I have way too much of a social life to stay at work.

I did not instigated a ridiculous arguement with my mom today. Especially one that made me feel guilty or selfish.

I did not go out twice last week! But if I did I probably would have felt terrible and not have been able to accomplish anything...heck, I probably would have even left early!

I did not buy $40.00 worth of cute panties...and only panties! I have too many other 'grown up' things to spend my money on.

I did not watch Napolean Dynamite last night for the 50th time. That movie is certainly not funny or sarcastic enough to enjoy that many times.

I did not offer to help my sister write an essay for her college application to the University of Southern California which is due November 18th...and she certianly did not drop off the assignment and expect me to write the entire thing for her...nuh-uh!!

I absolutely did not stay up until the sun came up Saturday night looking at furniture, jobs and rental houses online. There is not even a webiste that has all of that in one place or enough to keep me busy for that long.

I did not lose 6lbs in one month. That would be so nice if I did...but I did not!

I fortunatley did not notice that the transmission in my car is 'shot.' I would never let it get that bad nor would I ever put my car on the 'back-burner' because I had other things to buy. Transmission work is certainly not expensive.

I did not witness my neighbor's car get broken into last night while it was parked next to mine. Better yet...the cops that showed up did not arrest him after finding him at the playground (at 11:30 at night?) with two backpacks full of knives and paraphernalia. It was probably because they could not find the satellite radio or cash that he did not steal. I'm glad I did not lose sleep over that...

I did not show up 20 minutes late to my manager's meeting this morning. But if had been late...I would have not felt awkward when I had to present my weekly agenda that I did not forget to do over the weekend.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I loved your list! I've seen a lot of people doing the "Not Me! Monday" list and might have to join in, because that was fun.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! How cool is that that you actually knew where the picture was taken, and better yet WORK near there? I love Greenville and wish that I lived closer to there than I do. Clemson will have to be close enough for now!

Have a great week! I'll be stopping by again.


About Me

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I am a 20-something young woman growing up and experiencing the things my mother warned me about...love, friendship, hard work, disappointment and success.